Admissions Information


Program Requirements:

The candidate for the Montessori Infant & Toddler Teacher Credential or the Montessori Early Childhood Teacher Credential must hold, as a minimum, a U.S. High School diploma or GED.

A candidate without a bachelor’s degree will be eligible to receive an American Montessori Society (AMS) Associate Infant & Toddler Teacher Credential or an American Montessori Society Associate Early Childhood Teacher Credential.

A candidate with a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university will be granted a Montessori Infant & Toddler Teacher Credential or a Montessori Early Childhood Teacher Credential.

The candidate for the Montessori Elementary Teacher Credential must hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from a United States accredited university.

Applicants with a transcript from a non-U.S regionally accredited college/university must be submitted to a recognized U.S. credentialing agency (e.g. a credentialing agency that is a member of NACES-see for credit equivalency evaluation. If the evaluation determines the non-U.S. transcript to be equivalent to a bachelor’s degree or higher in the U.S., the adult-learner will be awarded a full credential for the course level completed upon successful completion of the program. If the degree is determined to not be equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college/university, but meets the post-secondary educational standard in the state, province or country of issuance, the certificate will state the level of certification and country in which the degree was awarded.

Interested applicants who meet the above requirements will need to complete all sections of this application for consideration of admission to this program. Applicants will need to have access to the age appropriate Montessori materials or a classroom in order to successfully participate in this course

Admissions Process:


  • Fill out the GMEI® application and pay $100 application fee

  • Submit official HS/College Transcripts

  • Submit 3 letters of Recommendation

  • Submit Resume of Experience

    **All of the above materials must be submitted before an oral interview will be scheduled. Please see the application page for specific details and instructions regarding submission of the documents.**


Candidates will be asked to interview via telephone or internet video conferencing technology prior to acceptance. Candidates who are not able to use video conferencing technology or do not have access to computer technology may not be accepted to this program. This program is a blended program of Face-to-Face meetings and online instruction. A computer is necessary to complete the program.

Tuition Agreement

Once the candidate has been accepted into the program, they will receive a general and level appropriate handbook which contains The Tuition Agreement. This Tuition Agreement will need to be signed and submitted in order to complete enrollment in GMEI®.

Application Status

To check on the status of your application please email Linda Loomis at